Sunday, April 10, 2005

Out for a Walk

Rita bought Abby these sunglasses when they were here. Abby didn't quite know what to think of them when we put them on for the first time today. They stayed on the whole time we went for a walk, though. They didn't bother her once she got used to seeing the world with a purple tint.


Anonymous said...

Well I guess she better get used to seeing alot of purple, since mommy lovessss
She looks like a little movie star!!!! Great pics!!!
Her big package is going out tomorrow....Hope everything fits, and she likes the toys...also I got her a music tape (cassette) Anthony always loved listening to music when it was bedtime and naptime...Hope she likes it....Let me know when ya get it, and if it was all ok. Love ya Susie and Boys

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the package! Abby has lots of purple already. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love the face. She is such a doll.