Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emma sat up!

Emma just sat up from a crawl position all by herself for the first time! Both girls have been able to get up to where they're resting on one arm, but this was the first time either of them has been able to get to a full sit position. Cora's also pulling herself up to standing on any raised surface every chance she gets.

Both girls have the sniffles this weekend. Their little noses are so congested and runny they're having trouble sleeping. Poor things!


Mike and Jill said...

WOOT! Way to go Emma! All these milestones are so exciting.
Hope they feel better soon. No sleep for babies = no sleep for mama. Hang in there!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Yay! Way to go Big girl- Emma! How exciting!!!!

Kimberly Clay said...

WOOHOO!!! I hope they feel better!

Heather said...

WTG Emma!

Mama (Heidi) said...

Yeah for Emma!!
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for a great outcome tomorrow. May you have peace that surpasses all understanding.